Prague as the Heart of Responsible Gambling.
November 4, 2024

duhová stuha do srdce

About the conference

Date: November 4, 2024
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Place: ARA Palace, Perlová 5, 110 00 Prague

The 1st year of the conference "Prague as the Heart of Responsible gambling", which will take place on November 4, 2024 as part of the fourth Czech Responsible Gambling Week. This important event is organized by the Responsible Gambling Project under the auspices of the Institute for Gambling Regulation (IFGR).

The conference will focus on key topics related to responsible gambling. Participants can look forward to a rich program consisting of panel discussions, individual lectures and inspiring contributions from abroad. The topics discussed will include both the issue of gambling regulation by the state, as well as the detection and intervention of risky players and many others.

The one-day conference will end with networking, which will offer a unique opportunity to establish new contacts and exchange experiences among experts in the field of responsible gambling.

The conference is intended for representatives of the state administration, parliament, addictologists and the professional public.

Program details coming soon


IFGR Logo.PNGThe Institute for Gambling Regulation (IFGR) is a self-governing and independent organization with voluntary participation. At the same time, it is the largest national professional association in the field of gambling, representing 95% of the legal gambling market in the Czech Republic.

The primary objective of the IFGR activities is to work together with public authorities in the field of gambling to strive for a unified, conceptual, and modern development of gambling regulation in the Czech Republic. Equally important in our work is the long-term contribution to increasing social responsibility and reducing risks associated with gambling.

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The Responsible Gambling Project is a self-regulatory project of gambling operators, which complements the current strict regulation appropriately. Instead of blanket bans that restrict problem-free players, we believe in early identification and offering help to those who truly need it. The self-regulation within Responsible Gambling involves the commitment of operators to adhere to 29 specific obligations beyond the legal requirements, focusing on strengthening player protection, prevention, employee education, and responsible marketing and advertising. Together, we are working on developing a unified software solution that identifies at-risk players and can be applied across the market.